USAID Inclusive Livelihoods-Central


Nepal, 2022-2025

We are really pleased to be able to embark on a 3-year partnership with the Nepal Disabled Human Rights Centre (DHRC), Disabled Welfare Association (DWA), Federation of Women with Disability Nepal (FWDN), Forward Looking, SHRUTI, and USAID, implementing the USAID Inclusive Livelihoods-Central activity for the economic empowerment, poverty reduction and equalization of opportunities in Kathmandu and Dhading Districts.

By establishing self-help groups for mutual support, saving and livelihood activities, and inclusive vocational training, we will ensure that people with disabilities are able to work, earn and save, develop and fulfil their potential and aspirations, gain skills and qualifications, contribute to economic life, and take on responsibilities and leadership roles.

A national campaign for inclusive employment will demonstrate that disability inclusion offers benefits for employers in all sectors. As the ‘largest minority’, people with disabilities bring valuable experience, skills and resilience, and improve representation among workforce and consumers alike.

The USAID Inclusive Livelihoods-Central activity is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and is implemented by DDP.

USAID administers the U.S. foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide.