DHRC, Nepal
2018-2021, with the support of UK Aid
Our partnership with the Nepal Disabled Human Rights Centre (DHRC) began in 2007 with a 5-year Advocacy for Change project, to ensure that Nepal’s new constitution included disabled people’s rights in accordance with the UN Convention.
The Women-Led Disability-Inclusive Livelihoods project aimed to contribute to a reduction in poverty and the equalization of opportunities for women with disabilities, female carers, and their families, in the Dhading District of Nepal.
It has had many positive impacts on the wellbeing of these communities, by increasing their income, reducing social inclusion, and improving access to services, entitlements and economic opportunities. 36 self-help groups for and led by disabled women/women carers were formed and their members empowered through training, awareness-raising, livelihoods seed funding, savings and mutual support.
Advocacy activities at the local, district and national levels have helped to reduce stigma, encourage funding, increase awareness and understanding of disabled people’s rights, and improve their access to services and justice.
Read more…
- WDIL Success Stories (pdf) – featuring project beneficiaries, self-help groups and staff
- Project summary report (pdf)
- Video: Results of the WDIL project in Galchhi and Gajuri
- Video: Results of the WDIL project in Siddhalekh and Nilkantha
- Project review (pdf) by Ability Manch, September 2021
- Review of disability policies (Nepali) and English summary (pdf)