Rainbow Disability Nepal

Rainbow Disability Nepal logo
Rainbow Disability Nepal logo. Wings of a butterfly coloured with LTBTQIA+ rainbow flag colours.
Members of Rainbow Disability Nepal in Bhaktapur's Durbar Square

Rainbow Disability Nepal (RDN) stands as a powerful advocate for a marginalized community often overlooked in development efforts: LGBTQI+ people with disabilities.

Established in 2019, RDN has rapidly become a leading national human rights organization. Their core mission is aligned with the UK’s development goals of promoting inclusion and social justice.

RDN champions the cause of queer disabled people through a collaborative approach, working with youth-led groups, disability and LGBTQI+ organizations, activists, and even government officials. This collaborative approach fosters a more inclusive society where everyone can access their full human rights and experience equality.

RDN’s commitment is “to empower, enable, and establish acceptance of queer people with disabilities.” Tackling the intersectional challenges faced by this community is RDN’s contribution to realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, agreed in 2015 and signed by 193 governments on the basis that they apply to everyone, everywhere, leaving no-one behind.

Currently DDP is working with RDN on a media project “Voices of Resilience“. Learn more about this project here