
Founder of Rainbow Disability Nepal, Aaditya Rai

As a disabled, gay, orphaned member of an indigenous caste, I belong to the most vulnerable and marginalized in our community. These four parts of who I am make me a target for relentless discrimination. Landlords refuse to rent to me because of my disability and orphan status. When I tried to set up the Rainbow Disability Nepal (RDN) office, many property owners denied me flats simply because I look feminine and dress differently.

Even within the LGBTQ+ and disability communities, I face rejection because I identify as a queer person with a disability. My past has been tough because of who I am. I was sexually abused at an orphanage. Leaders of various organizations have manipulated me and exploited my story for their gain, some even threatening me because of my efforts to establish RDN. This year, in 2024, I was twice selected for international scholarships, only to be abruptly rejected without explanation. Some didn’t even bother to reply. My journey is marked by exclusion and injustice, but my spirit remains unbroken…

…Your situations and conditions make You. Turn your pain to your gain and be proud of who you are. Don’t hide it; show your true colours” (Aaditya Rai).

DDP is proud to be working alongside Aaditya and his colleagues on a joint Voices of Resilience project, which you can read about here. In 2024, Aaditya was celebrated as an Emerging Leader at the International Pride Awards.