
Sumitra was born with a club foot, but had corrective surgery at the age of ten, leaving her more confident and strong enough to handle physical work. The eldest of six siblings, Sumitra had to take responsibility for her family at a tender age.

As part of our Women-Led Disability-Inclusive Livelihood project (WDIL) with DHRC Nepal and DWA, she was an excellent Social Mobilizer in the Gajuri community, where her energy and personality enabled her to bring disabled women and mothers of disabled children together into two self-help groups.

Sumitra ran weekly meetings, shared their worries and hopes and guided them in their choices of livelihoods. Sumitra is an absolute role model, living proof that – with a desire to learn and the appropriate support – people can overcome the obstacles of disability. Sumitra is determined to continue working in the sector, because she wants no disabled person to be left behind.