DHRC is a national disabled people’s organization formed in 2000 to promote the rights of all disabled people: political, social, legal and economic. Our partnership began in 2007 with a 5-year Advocacy for Change project, raising awareness and generating evidence to ensure that Nepal’s new constitution included disabled people’s rights in accordance with the UN Convention.
DHRC has continued in its advocacy role and with DDP’s support now offers legal services for disabled people who are subject to any kinds of abuse, discrimination or cheated of their inheritance. With DDP’s support, DHRC moved into direct work to alleviate poverty among disabled people and their families and management of a programme of work requiring the training, monitoring and capacity building of local partners.
DHRC has played an important role in supporting DDP to establish partnerships with other Nepalese NGOs and DPOs working with such ‘invisible’ disabilities such as mental illness and deafness, and to support inclusion of disabled women and girls in a woman’s organization.
In 2022-2025 we are working with USAID, DHRC and other DPO partners on an ambitious inclusive livelihoods project in central Nepal, building on the experience of our women-led, disability-inclusive livelihoods programme (2018-2021).